I day-dream all the time! It makes me happy. It gives me the opportunity to be optimistic. And I am… But the last few weeks I’m wondering if dreaming is that good for me… I was thinking that when you dream something beautiful for you, but something fake, not real, you are getting in the process to believe that your dream will possibly come true and there is a moment that you are convinced that your dream will come true… and sometimes you live with the dream. But then you just need something more realistic to survive… ‘cause no one can lives their whole life based on a dream. Dreams are magic! You can always dream! Just sometimes be a little more realistic… only when you need it just like a break! ;)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήtwra anti na oneiropolw as paw na kanw kamia askhsh :S :P
Great post:)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήYour blog is really nice:)
Good luck!
thank you! :)